
Nokia Collaborate with MediaTek and TPG Telecom For Broadcasting 360-Degree Video

Nokia’s partnership with MediaTek and TPG Telecom will enable the company to broadcast 360-degree videos:

Nokia Collaborate with MediaTek and TPG Telecom For Broadcasting 360-Degree Video

Nokia Collaborate with MediaTek and TPG Telecom For Broadcasting 360-Degree Video. The city of Melbourne in Australia – A ground-breaking live 360-degree video broadcast on the future of the Metaverse was unveiled today by three companies: MediaTek, TPG Telecom, and Nokia. The broadcast was made possible with the assistance of MediaTek’s 5G mobile chipset technology, TPG Telecom’s commercial 5G network, and Nokia’s cutting-edge 5G Uplink Carrier Aggregation (CA) technology. The demonstration, which took place at Nokia’s 5G Futures Lab in Sydney, Australia, highlighted how CA technology can change the experience of watching TV, movies, and sports on television.

360-Degree Video in Real Time:

The CA technology developed by Nokia increases 5G uplink speeds by optimizing the combination of two or more sub-6 GHz frequency bands. This makes it possible to transmit high-quality 360-degree video in real time. The demonstration utilized products from Nokia’s most power-efficient AirScale portfolio, including massive MIMO, Remote Radio Head. And baseband that were powered by the ReefShark chipset. As MediaTek’s 5G mobile platform, the MediaTek M80 5G modem. Which is included in the Dimensity SoC series, was responsible for data transmissions. During the demonstration, the Uplink Carrier Aggregation technology was used to combine two separate carriers. One operating at 15 MHz on the 700 MHz band (n28). And the other operating at 90 MHz on the 3.6 GHz band (n78). This enabled a maximum uplink throughput of 159 Mbps to be achieved.

During the course of the demonstration, Leslie Shannon. Who is in charge of Trend and Innovation Scouting at Nokia, gave a talk about the future of the Metaverse. The topic of discussion centered on the ways in which certain Industrial Metaverse experiences make use of livestreamed 360-degree video over 5G. This makes it possible for workers, for example, to view a remote location through a virtual reality headset. While simultaneously controlling a robot that is working in that location to perform a potentially hazardous task, such as handling explosives.

Nokia Collaborate with MediaTek and TPG Telecom For Broadcasting 360-Degree Video. According to the study titled “The metaverse at work,” an overwhelming majority of respondents (96%), who were asked their opinions. Agree that the industrial metaverse has the potential to combine real-world and virtual use cases. They believe that the metaverse will supply more cutting-edge capabilities. Making it possible for them to rapidly deploy, adopt, and monetize Industry 4.0 for their respective companies.

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